Sunday 18 November 2012

DQ2, Dungeons A Solo Adventure, Judges Guild sale

My copy of Destiny Quest 2 The Heart of Fire arrived! Although I'm not sure that I'm ready to take on the shear vastness of solo adventuring in this super dense large paperback with colour area maps.
Destiny Quest 2

Thinner, but also brimming with solo gaming vastness is Shane (QUERP/Chronicles of Arax) Garvey's matrix-based (or card - you choose) questing game: Dungeons - A Solo Adventure.  This is a refreshing, minimal props, old school simplified one person play RPG packed with replayability and simple enough rules for customisation/house ruling.  This is the stuff of power cuts and rainy days in - so print a copy off and put it on the shelf in preparation for such an event.  It's also a game which might be ideal to give to a child to keep them absorbed for a few hours, without taking over a whole dining table.  Much like with Fightng Fantasy Gamebooks, or text based computer games or boardgames like MB HeroQuest there is a succinctity here (I.e. straightforward quests, recognisable enemies like orcs etc.) which has a charm that is unfettered by complex plots of Tolkienesque language. I'd add a load of extra illustrations but at $2 this is really great stuff and feeds the imagination.

Totally random ... just saw this on Facebook, Judges Guild (a forge of many 70s and early 80s accessories) have dropped some of their prices to $3 and below for Christmas.  At those prices I'd be tempted to dismiss EBay and it's smelly second hand originals for a while. ;)

Select products have been reduced: Judges Guild on RPGNow.

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