Saturday, 29 June 2013

Pathfinder Sale and Kev's Lounge Furniture Pack

There's only two days left on the Pathfinder sale on DriveThru.
(That's two days left on d20/DnD3-3.5 compatible products ;) )

Random image: The author's Pathfinder core rulebooks nestling amongst other recognisable hard-cover rules. 

Image taken from the comprehensive Instructions PDF
  Kev's Lounge Dungeon Furniture Pack
Currently $1.99 on DTRPG
I've just downloaded a very sophisticated piece of paper crafting which really pushes the PDF format to it's limits. 

Kev's Lounge Dungeon Furniture Pack allows the dungeon crafter to select different textures of floor, grime and materials along with toggling the level of design complexity.

Confident paper engineers will find the furniture nets straightforward to assemble, whilst some of us might occasionally need to ask an adult for help when cutting out the smaller tabs.  (Did I mention my exceptionally large thumbs?)

This is a quality product, and is currently on special offer for under $2.  KL is putting some of the competition to shame.  Watch this guy, he's dangerously talented!

Saturday, 15 June 2013

Happy Free RPG Day 2013

Happy Free RPG Day! 
 I've clearly not been following the gaming news recently because today is FreeRPG Day.
My local shops aren't even sure what an RPG is so I doubt it's happening around here. But enough of my speculative cynicism regarding UK bricks'n'mortar stores.

 Check out the download lists to see if anything really special has popped into the free listings on DriveThruRPG   (link valid all year around)

Free RPG Day home site:

Thursday, 13 June 2013

The Age of Shadows Campaign Map 1 : The Northern Kingdom (CSP)

On DriveThruRPG from CSP:
Todays random PDF purchase...  :)

The Age of Shadows Campaign Map 1 : The Northern Kingdom - Crooked Staff Publishing

I'm really enjoying browsing around this large map -especially from the perspective of it's use as a "fits-all" map - the version, that is, without labels.

This map looks as good as (if not better than) some of the colour Middle Earth maps from Iron Crown Enterprises. CSP have developed a style that is both computer-crisp whilst remaining respectful hand drawn styles in vintage maps.

The Age of Shadows RPG is a free-to-download rules-set drawing heavily upon RuneQuest with it's own special fast play tweaks and quirks. I have a nice Lulu print copy. I haven't looked into the actual campaign setting as yet, but there is no text included with this map to prejudice against your chosen rules system.

Very good value, considering it's usefulness, even in part, for encounters in the wilderness or for larger campaign building.


Printable A2 in size - 300DPI - PDF and jpgs, labelled and unlabelled.