Thursday, 28 March 2013

Merry Tabletop Gaming Day on March 30th!

Felicia Day wants to know what you're doing for #TableTopDay. ... watch our livestream on March 30th, 2013:

Go to find events near you, sign up, and stay tuned for awesome news and downloads.

Share using #TableTopDay.

DriveThru is also celebrating Tabletop Gaming Day in their own download-some-goodies-for-pennies way. There's a few special offers on a variety of cool games and you simply must look at the free bundle.

I don't have a game planned, but I'm torn between assembling Star Wars Lego Battle of Hoth, trying to invent a game which uses hand drawn geomorphs, perhaps a sneaky solo game of Warhammer Quest or maybe finally pressing out the Pathfinder card figures and having a play about with the Pathfinder Beginner Set ... which can be tabletoppy and board-gamey in a solitaire way. (Why didn't ever buy a copy of Chainsaw Warrior?)

Damn, I need a regular local gaming group!

Many Happy Tabletops!

Saturday, 23 March 2013

Comfort Shopping, Lego, Pathfinder and Playing at the World (Jon Peterson, Unreason Press)

I'm blogging from my iPad, so please forgive any really strange formatting and instagramaged photos (edit: gave in and moved to the laptop, much easier, but kept the instagram photos in).  A random post for random times. Miserable weather and real-life chaos have led me down strange aisles in a local supermarket recently, and budget-priced Lego is hard to resist.

Tesco supermarkets (in the UK) are clearing some of their toy lines at the moment.  Bobbing to the surface are the Lego Star Wars AT-RT (75002) at £13.50 and the LotR Lego Orc Forge (9476) for £20 - which for a supermarket isn't such a bad price at all.  This makes a change for me from buying yet more Series 9 Lego Minifigs. Collecting Series 9 has become an addiction - latest two figures were a wine waiter and another cyclops.- I now have three cyclopses, and I'm justifying keeping them for Heroica or as figures for kid-friendly proto-D&D, but that's a whole other post. I already own an earlier incarnation of the Clone Wars bipedal AT-RT walker, but this one seems more posable and I couldn't pass up the opportunity to build an evil droideka - and a Yoda minifig!

The Orc Forge from The Lord of the Rings range is a very odd set - I'm guessing that it's more fun to look at once all of the parts are moving and the fire coloured "brick lights" are turned on. Again, the gamer in me was drawn to the orc/uruk-hai figures and the tiny pieces of armour - perhaps again, subconsciously planning a dungeon crawl with Lego minifigs. ;)

Slightly more game related is the Lego Games Star Wars Battle of Hoth which I bought from Argos for £24.99. I already have a couple of the Heroica Lego Game sets and this looks simpler to play (not that the Heroica system is complicated!). I'm not sure if I should try to create a cross-over game - although the Heroica forest would make a suitable Dagobah or Yavin 4 jungle. I'm really looking forward to assembling the mini snowspeeders and AT-ATs.

For being supportive through times of outrageous fortune, my partner has yet again rewarded me with a roleplaying treat through Amazon (yes, I know, she's a "keeper").

I had initially avoided the Pathfinder Campaign Setting World Guide: The Inner Sea because I felt that core rules books should be just that, core rules. The clever marketing blurb in the Pathfinder RPG Beginner Box had finally convinced me that the Core Rules and Bestiary (1) were somehow orphaned without the campaign setting.  Also a paranoia has overcome me, I was fearing that since Pathfinder has been around for a few years, that suddenly the opportunity to buy these books new would be ushered away by a new edition. I think Wizards' must have broken me with DnD3-thru-4 and Next, because so far Paizo have been very sparing with replacement editions - a revision, here or there maybe. Nonetheless, the collector-reader in me had decided that I needed the three staple Pathfinder books whist the covers and logos still matched (-well sot of).

Content-wise The Inner Sea World Guide incredibly dense, and when it comes to atlas details, it puts the the DnD4 Faerun / FR guides I have to shame. Also the map was without a perforated edge - the collector's bane - instead, only tiny spot of cellulose glue holds the map in place - no tearing required. I like this book, every paragraph is a campaign hook in itself. It is immensely rewarding to dip into. There is both consistency and fascinating variety in the world of Golarion.  My partner also approved, because she loves new books and insisted upon sniffing the ink fresh pages (something she refuses to do with my second-hand vintage ebay purchases).

Paperback USA
Kindle US
Paperback UK
Kindle UK

Another random procurement this week, much to the disgust of same said partner, was a Kindle ebook.  As an ex-bookseller, if a tree hasn't been felled, she looks down upon these things (they certainly don't smell the same).

I haven't read deep into Playing at the World by Jon Peterson, but so far, and from browsing through, the author seems to be very thorough with his primary source material, if not a little dry in his style.

It reads very much like a Masters degree final paper, upon the origins of D&D, RPGs, gaming group culture and terminology. Importantly, Peterson observes that it is almost impossible to re-imagine D&D's birth without modern bias due to it's iconic status, that amongst dozens of other niche games, one couldn't have assumed that it's climb was assured or a straightforward commercial success.

Flipping through, I'm not entirely sure why we need etymological sourcing of the word "Dragon", not as much as say examining the reasons behind why a game would adopt the word "Dungeon" in it's title. It's as though Peterson is proving a point to a tutor unfamiliar with the fantasy genre. In his introduction, he stresses the need for works of gaming history which draw upon contemporary publications (journals and newsletters) and not upon internet anecdotes and gaming community folklore. I partly agree, there is occasionally the need for strict academic approaches, but in terms of an entertaining read about a fun pastime, I think I prefer our many casual blog posts of reminiscence, or the personal heart-felts of geek authors like Ethan Gilsdorf and Mark Barrowcliffe.

My own attempts at trying to find books on simulation games, or complex role-based games for educational drama workshops, whist at college, was met with a single publication regarding games in business training, and I was pretty lucky to find that it a library devoted to playscripts (I did Dramatic Arts degree for my sins).  Hopefully, tomorrow's media and social studies students will have a comprehensive selection of texts about RPGs from which to quote with confidence from. Playing at the World may yet become a scholarly definitive text in citing the early history of D&D within American wargaming tabletop culture, but it ain't no nostalgic journey or rites-of-passage-with-dice-tale (like Gilsdorf's Fantasy Freaks' and Barrowcliffe's Elfish Gene).

If this book blows my mind, I'll let you know. If I never type of it again, then assume my jury is still out when it comes to my all-round recommendation. Still, it would be hard not to say that for gaming history aficionados it is an "essential" addition to a reference bibliography. Incidentally, Playing at the World was advertised in Gygax Magazine #1, so it's target audience is almost certainly old-schoolers.  We keep our dice boxes next to our walking sticks, y'know. ;)

My summary so far: Playing at the World has thorough, no-nonsense historical accounts, with a few pictures.
(But we likes pictures of old games)

Right, those Inked Adventures dungeon tiles aren't going to make themselves.  Or shall I start building the Lego?

Friday, 15 March 2013

Okumarts Classic Hobgoblins and Goblins

Darkfast: Goblins and Hobgoblins
Paper Minis on DTRPG
Darkfast Classic Fantasy Set Three: Goblins and Hobgoblins

I've just picked up these paper minis for $2.50 (-USD that's £1.66 in real GB money).  When I finally run that low level old-school campaign, these goblins and hobgoblins will be an essential adversary.

Like with other Okumarts products - the zip file contains a layered PDF with double-sided trim-to-measure figures and comprehensive document use and assembly instructions

The layers provide access to six different colours of 6 unique hobgoblin and seven goblin designs, with a bonus figure layer of 10 bonus humanoid figures. 

I haven't printed mine as yet, but Okumarts provide plenty of photos of the figures in use on their Tumblr page (

The hobgoblins will please DMs who want to represent their Hobgoblins as portrayed in the earliest AD&D Monster Manual and illustrations from the B modules.  Those orange skinned beefy meanies had an aspect of oriental ronin-samurais or Mongolian Huns.  The goblins, however, are both retro-simple -they are naughty cowl-clad serfs- and yet modern, like those depicted Pathfinder rules.  The latter are a fun, animated bunch of hoodlums (perhaps how the goblins in The Hobbit should have been).

Hunnish hobgoblins and ...

...naughty little, hoody-wearing, vicious goblins!

In summary: stylish, slick art, well-presented, resourceful, cheeky, good value.

Friday, 8 March 2013

RPG deals March 2013 20-25% off at Lulu and DriveThru

So I've missed World Book Day and GM's Day 2013, but at at least the DriveThru GM's Day Sale is still in progress (until 12th March inclusive).  In the UK it's Mother's Day on Sunday as well - I've only just remembered to send a card, but mum isn't really interested in special offers on roleplaying games.  Her loss!  I'm keeping the dice.

Apart from DriveThru/OneBookShelf's Print program, the largest supplier of indie publisher RPGs rules and accessories in print is still (see the "Games" section for RPGs) Lulu are offering 20% reductions in March.


(This code is for the US site only)

Remember to shop responsibly and game with abandon! ;)