Designed in a last minute, product-queue-jumping, bubble for Inked Adventures, and inspired by, requested for, TridentCon 2016 (Maryland, US), who have a nautical theme (check out Admiral Fish, their mascot, a sort of Deep One who stayed on the surface and travelled back outwards). I had intended to publish this on Talk Like a Pirate Day (an odious, but profitable institution), but I failed because my arch nemesis Evil Dr Real Life keeps thwarting my plans to be respectable, reliable artist and publisher with continuity of output. Confounded again, CURSE YOU, DOCTOR EVIL REAL LIFE!
Smuggler Cavern is a two page only design, not like the larger cut-up section packs in the Inked Adventures range. But it is rather nice to look at, if I don't say so myself. I was tempted to send out a mass email stating "Looks good. Works with stuff. Buy it!" But I thought that would sound a little jaded. I really don't like sending out mass emails through DTRPG/RPGnow/WGV Onebookshelf because I don't want to come across like some of spammer mails I receive daily (is it me or are there rather a lot of "list" RPG products? "100 Orc Meal Names Part 3"! Horses for courses, I guess. 100 horse and course names?) But I need the pennies... I needed the dubloons, m'lord!
I might just send that email.
Smuggler Cavern - 2 page printable tile (downloadable PDF)
$2.50 usd on DTRPG and RPGNow
Smuggler Cavern is a home-printable PDF. My best results have been from printing straight to card and photopaper. There's a plan to make a pre-print poster available from DriveThruRPG, but I'm still working through the dimensions and details -including how to bundle it in with existing orders so that no-one loses out (naturally there has to be a baseline cost for print and shipping we're dealing with physical products, unlike the noble PDF file).
Here's some pics:
In the background are the black and white / monochrome easy-print options. |
Test print photo (ignore edge marks) Figures: WotC. The Oni is very angry. |
Mock up of b/w print trimmed close as a "section" (left). Low resolution thumbnails (right).
Anyhow, thanks for reading and clicking on the pics.
Yarrr! etc.
Afternoon nap time.
Smuggler Cavern $2.50 DTRPG |
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